Linda McClure, founder of Quantum Health Clinics has a passion for the optimisation of the entire person. Using this philosophy on herself she has been able to overcome a lot of her personal challenges from early onset of osteoarthritis that resulted in orthopaedic surgery to her hips at the relatively young age of 35 years. In particular the dietary and exercise information that genetic profiling has revealed, alongside the targeted structural rebalancing program has resulted in a stronger fitter and more focused experience as you can see in this picture below. Linda believes that walking her talk and making herself an example of QHS services inspires her clients to optimise their potential and we want to help you get there too. Read on for further testimonials….
Olympic Hopeful
Nielsen Varoy
Neilsen Varoy – testimonial
I have been an advocate of Structural Integrative Bodywork for many years having my first sessions when I was only 14 years old. Although similar to massage its different and more specific with a focus on getting a better posture and alignment. Since then I have had regular treatments over the years to keep myself in tune with my body, balanced and flexible. For me I prefer it over massage and while based in Australia I get my sessionsfrom Linda McClure at Quantum Health Solutions. My swimming has benefited and I have tended to avoid any major injuries because of this. I recommend the program offered at QHS to anyone interested in improving their performance.